Group Flight
Group Flight
Dear XM members We are happy to announce the next group flight on Friday 30/AUG at 18z Departure: Cairo international Airport-HECA Arrival: Queen Alia International Airport -OJAI
Dear XM members We are happy to announce the next group flight on Friday 30/AUG at 18z Departure: Cairo international Airport-HECA Arrival: Queen Alia International Airport -OJAI
Briefing Event date: 06th - Sep 2024 Event time: 15:00z - 19:00 Event type: HQ | Fly-in Alternates: OISS, OIYY Destination Airport: Isfahan International Airport (OIFM). Departure Airports: Amman International Airport (OJAI), Tbilisi International Airport (UGTB). Isfahan, often referred to as “Nesf-e-Jahan” (Half of the World), is a city of immense cultural and historical significance in Iran. Nestled in the heart of the country, it […]
- TWO IN ONE ! date | تاريخ : 19th of SEPTEMBER 2024 Time | وقت : 1800z Airports | المطارات : Queen Alia Airport ( OJAI )
تدعوكم إدارة قسم الشرق الاوسط للمشاركة معنا في الرحلة الجماعية VFR المقامة يوم الجمعة 27/SEP الساعة 18z مطار الإقلاع : مطار أربيل الدولي ORER لمس و اقلاع : مطار كركوك الدولي ORKK مطار الوصول : مطار السليمانية الدولي ORSU Dear XM members We are happy to announce the next VFR group flight on Friday 27/SEP […]